Imagine you are David returning to the palace from successes in the battlefields year in, year out. Oh, what pageantry and honour when he entered the city gates!
1 Samuel 18:7
The women sang as they played, and said, “Saul has slain his thousands, and David his ten thousands.”
For David, it was hitherto a good and blessed life. He was prospering in all his ways, for the Lord was with him. In fact, he was supposedly well on his way to being promoted to the throne if the anointing by Samuel was anything to go by. What could possibly go wrong?
Yet, it was no longer business as usual for him in the palace once the spears of Saul were hurled at him. Before long, he was running for his life to the cave of Adullam, leaving his wife, friends, career, wealth, and socioeconomic status behind. In a sense, everything was taken away from him, as he even had to beg for bread from a priest who would be killed as a result. Instead of progressing towards the throne for which he was anointed by Samuel, he was seemingly running in the opposite direction of destiny. “Why did this happen to me?”, he could have thought. “Lord, how long will You look on? Rescue my soul from their ravages, my only life from the lions.”, he prayed.
Normal life is no longer normal in the cave.
The “spears” of the world in current times are brutal for some of us. Some may have lost their jobs; some may have to close down businesses; some may be losing their houses; some may struggle to put food on the table; some may have debilitating fear for their future; some may be suffering depression or hopelessness; and some may even contemplate suicide. It is at this time that you might feel that you are in the “cave of Adullam”, having no power to change or control natural circumstances that befall you.
Yet, you are not alone in the cave, for God is there with you, just as He was there with David.
What “spears” are you facing today that you feel that you have no power to overcome?
What “spears” are ravaging your soul today and decimating your envisioned future?
What “spears” are disrupting your hitherto lifestyle, and locking you down in a cave of fear and despair?
Fear not, and have faith, for God is in the “cave”. Rise up according to the power of the indomitable life of the Christ in you, who is the anchor of your hope and future. Pray strong in the Spirit, and let the peace that surpasses all human understanding guard your heart and your minds in Christ Jesus.
Now to Him who is able to do far more abundantly beyond all that you can ever ask or think in the “cave”, according to the power that works mightily within you, to Him be the glory in the church and in Christ Jesus to all generations forever and ever. Amen.
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