Samuel Tai

Feed The Threshing Ox – The Minister

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Philippians 4:16-17
for even in Thessalonica you sent a gift more than once for my needs. Not that I seek the gift itself, but I seek for the profit which increases to your account.

There are 3 types of gifts that will go a long way to meet my personal, ministry, and missional needs:

Feed The Threshing Ox – The Minister
Enable The Master Builder – The Mandate
Supply The Apostolic Missionary – The Mission Field

This is the first type:

Feed The Threshing Ox – The Minister
(1 Timothy 5:18)

We often muzzle the ox while eating the products of their threshing. Yet, the Lord directed those who proclaim the gospel to get their living from the gospel (1 Corinthians 9:9-14). Therefore, ministers of the Word eat and drink whatever the men of peace give to them, for the laborer is worthy of his wages (Luke 10:6-7).

Receiving gifts for personal sustenance is really humbling for me, as I have always believed throughout my years of ministry that my hands should minister to my own needs (Acts 20:33-34). It is humbling for a man to be the ox which depends on the unmuzzling grace of others to eat.

So, as the Lord directs, your gift will go a long way in providing the means of sustenance for me and my family.

As a token of appreciation to those who give $100 and above to “feed the threshing ox”, I will send you a personal soft-copy of my book, Poiēma, God’s Workmanship, in PDF format via email. Of course, you can choose to opt-out by leaving a comment if you already have a copy of the book.

Thank you for your kindness and generosity. Shalom.

Return to Give a Gift to consider other types of gifts.

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