Are we ready for the Great Reset?
But before we can answer the above question, we must first ask this question: Who is resetting what, and how?
Since 2017, there has been a proliferation of false teachings, unsubstantiated speculations, and conspiracy theories (hereinafter termed collectively as speculative assertions) that have been weaved into the eschatological narrative, thereby gaining a sheen of legitimacy and significant traction amongst many Christians.
Many of these speculative assertions have sown quiet mistrust and deep divisions between those who hold different worldviews and perspectives in the church, to the point of causing personal identity conflicts and breakdown of relationships.
At the centre of the storm (pun not intended) is the “Deep State”, a global cabal of Satan-worshipping paedophiles who control the world, and their Great Reset agenda through the “plandemic”, vaccine mandates, climate change initiatives, crony capitalism, transhumanistic technologies, mark of the beast, etc.
If we think about it, by their definition of the “Deep State”, and judging from experience that we could not fast-and-pray away the pandemic like Jesus stopped the storm, even if these speculative assertions are factual and true, what can “shallow” Christians and churches, as minority in the world no less, do apart from resistance and escaping off-grid to the mountains? Is the church supposed to live like the Israelites under the marauding Midianites (c.f. Judges 6:1-6)?
Perhaps, but is this what Jesus meant when He said the following?
Matthew 16:18-19
“I also say to you that you are Peter, and upon this rock I will build My church; and the gates of Hades will not overpower it. I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven; and whatever you bind on earth shall have been bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth shall have been loosed in heaven.”
John 14:12
“Truly, truly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do, he will do also; and greater works than these he will do; because I go to the Father.”
With this in mind, this post does not seek to prove or disprove any of these speculative assertions, but it does seek to exhort against inordinate focus on these speculative assertions to inform the actions of individual believers and corporate church.
Let us see what God says about these cabalistic enemies and their evil devices.
Psalms 2:1-6
Why are the nations in an uproar and the peoples devising a vain thing? The kings of the earth take their stand and the rulers take counsel together against the LORD and against His Anointed, saying, “Let us tear their fetters apart and cast away their cords from us!” He who sits in the heavens laughs, the Lord scoffs at them. Then He will speak to them in His anger and terrify them in His fury, saying, “But as for Me, I have installed My King upon Zion, My holy mountain.”
Who are these cabal of globalists who take counsel together in an uproar against God and against the chosen of His Anointed? What evil things are they devising through the Great Reset agenda?
Yet, even considering the most diabolical of scenarios, how prevailing can their power be if God who sits in the heavens laughs at them, and the Anointed One scoffs at their plans? To put it in another way, what is God’s trump card (again, pun not intended) that makes God so derisive of these cabalists and their agenda for global control?
Hebrews 12:22-24
But you have come to Mount Zion and to the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem, and to myriads of angels, to the general assembly and church of the firstborn who are enrolled in heaven, and to God, the Judge of all, and to the spirits of the righteous made perfect, and to Jesus, the mediator of a new covenant, and to the sprinkled blood, which speaks better than the blood of Abel.
God’s trump card is the ekklesia.
The ekklesia is Zion, God’s holy mountain where He sits and laughs at those who take collective counsel against Him, and where His Anointed scoffs at the vain agenda they devise against His people.
Indeed, God has installed His King, the King of kings and Ruler of rulers no less, on Zion, the mountain of the ekklesia, with a view to raising it up as the chief of the mountains on earth.
Thus, God’s focus is not on the “Deep State” or their Great Reset agenda, twiddling His thumbs and wondering how His church can survive their onslaught or when He should help His people escape their grasp through rapture.
Rather, His focus is on the great reset of the ekklesia, which is the house of God and body of His Anointed; for He knows that when this trump card is ready to be revealed in all its holiness, authority, power, and glory, He will have great pleasure sitting atop this chief of the mountains laughing at His enemies and scoffing at the vain things that they could only muster against His ekklesia.
In fact, the great reset of the church is what God has planned since the foundation of the world, and predestined to be executed in these eschatological times.
Thus, let us major on the major, that is, on the great reset agenda of God for the church, not on the Great Reset agenda of the globalists for the world, especially if they are based on futile speculations, falsehoods, and confirmation biases. After all, David did not concern himself with Goliath or speculate his strategies, did he? And as we all know, what could Goliath devise when faced with a boy whose heart was after God’s own heart and whose hands were trained to take the battle to the frontlines of the battlefield, even without an armour?
As a qualification, I am not suggesting that we should be ignorant of the wiles of the enemies, for we need to pick the appropriate stones prepared by God to overcome the enemies that we are facing. However, that is a minor occupation in the grand scheme of God’s ordained plan for and through the ekklesia. Being mindful of the enemies and choosing the right ammunitions to destroy them in a skirmish are minor compared to developing the stature, expertise, fire power, chain of command, and integratedness of the entire armed forces in readiness for war. The latter is what majoring on the major means.
So, without going into detailed exposition which will be too tedious for this post, I have listed below the thirteen great reset agendas of God based on the critical revelations required for the prophetic attainments of His purpose for the ekklesia-army in the last days.
Every agenda is written in a highly concise and condensed manner in the following format: When we… (appropriate the required revelations), we will… (execute the required reset to attain the prophetic purpose of the reset). Do take some time to unpack them.
If you have queries or comments on any agenda, kindly (and I mean kindly) write in the comments section below.
Twelve Great Reset Agendas of God for the Ekklesia
Great Reset #1
When we anglicise “ekklesia” to replace “church”, we will undo the entrenched paradigm of church today, and redefine church according to Biblical patterns.
Great Reset #2
When we realise the importance of carrying the cross in the salvific process of the Cross, we will recalibrate church processes from servicing members to sanctifying disciples.
Great Reset #3
When we recognise that the ekklesia is the incarnational body of Christ on earth, we will re-image and re-sculpt the church in her flesh to embody the stature which belongs to the fullness of Christ in His flesh, so that the two shall become one flesh; for how can the unsanctified join in one body with the sanctified?
Great Reset #4
When we see the ekklesia as a set-apart ethnos-community that has shared meanings, common values, collective resources, and integrated lifestyles unbound by locality, we will reform the congregation-centred practice of individualistic religion, redraw the interactive lines of community relationships, and relive the ekklesia culture of ACTS.
Great Reset #5
When we behold the ekklesia as the temple of Christ’s body and “third temple” of God in heavenly Zion on earth, we will reorder our kingly-priestly ministry according to the order of Melchizedek, such that the lesser world will be blessed by the greater ekklesia through its kingly governance and priestly reconciliation that know no bounds.
Great Reset #6
When we embrace the greatest commandments of God and the great commission of Christ for the ekklesia, we will recast true worship and reimagine the missional lifestyle of every member of the church, so that the church is a worshipful and missional church, not a worship-service and mission-trip church.
Great Reset #7
When we understand that the laws and commandments of God were enacted and enforced on the people of God but not on the nations surrounding Israel, not even when Israel was dwelling within Babylon and Persia, we will desist from conflating social justice with biblical justice, change our social ideologies from Christian dominionism or Christian nationalism to Kingdom-permeation or Kingdom-influence in the nations, and recalibrate our cultural interactions with the cultures of the societies where we dwell, lest we bring the Kingdom of God into disrepute as a caliphate, with the church as the caliph.
Great Reset #8
When we acknowledge that we cannot drain the swamp in the world if members of the church are walking according to the course of the world, we will reorder the top priorities of the church, from reforming Babylon while being of Babylon in Babylon to reforming the church through separation from Babylon in Babylon; for only when we are not of the world, through sanctification from worldly ways, can we change the world while living in the world.
Great Reset #9
When we comprehend the blueprint of the Architect and Builder of the ekklesia, we will reinterpret our ecclesiology, reframe our eschatology, rebuild the church, and reappropriate the keys of the Kingdom of heaven, such that no gates and agents of hell can overcome the ekklesia.
Great Reset #10
When we are convinced that the manifold wisdom of God shall be made known through the ekklesia to the rulers and the authorities in the heavenly places, we will reposition the mountain of the ekklesia as the chief of the mountains where nations will go up and inquire of YHVH, just like the Queen of the South inquired of Solomon the ruler of Israel, King Nebuchadnezzar being advised by Daniel the exile, and Pharoah being enlightened by Joseph the prisoner; for this is the operational essence of Kingdom permeation and influence, as opposed to Christian dominion and nationalism.
Great Reset #11
When we realise that Jesus is and will still be sitting at the right hand of God in heaven until God has restored all things about which He spoke by the mouth of His holy prophets from ancient time, and has made the enemies of Christ a footstool under the feet of the ekklesia, we will restructure and reorganise the church as the administration (“oikonomia”) suitable to the fullness of the times, that is, an administrator for the consummation of all things in Christ, to trigger and usher His return to earth.
Great Reset #12
When we are enlightened to the fact that the ministry of the Spirit will not fail to be of greater glory, thereby provoking Jews to jealousy when the transfigured glory on the face of the ekklesia is far greater than the fading glory on the face of Moses, we will recognise that the destiny of Israel is dependent on the ekklesia fulfilling its glorious destiny, and we will submit ourselves to the perfect workmanship of the Refiner throughout the fiery days of the great tribulation, until the ekklesia shines like pure gold without blemish under the noonday sun, which will lead to Israel being saved as well as the return of the Lord Jesus Christ for His perfected and glorious bride.
Great Reset #13
When we survey the meta-narrative of the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end, who declared the end from the beginning, or whose beginning declared the end, we will envision an Edenic domain on earth that was created at the beginning, is progressively being restored since the beginning, and will be consummated for the fullness of the times when we will present it back to the Creator who created the end from the beginning. We will, thus, endeavour to sanctify our lives such that we will be transformed from glory to glory into the holy image of the “last Adam”, who in the likeness of the flesh of the pre-Fall “first Adam”, was the Author and Perfecter of the Edenic mandate from the foundation of the world. Indeed, the whole creation is waiting eagerly for the unveiling of the glory of the sons of God in the image of the “last Adam”, as God has subjected it to futility since the disobedience of the “first Adam”, in expectation that it will be set free from its slavery to corruption into the freedom of the glory of the sons of God in the complete obedience of the “last Adam”.
The Ekklesia, the Greatest Body on Earth
John 14:12
“Truly, truly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do, he will do also; and greater works than these he will do; because I go to the Father.”
When the ekklesia accepts, executes, and fulfills the great reset agenda of God, it will become the greatest body on earth, even doing greater works than Jesus in His body (because, by going to the Father in death as Christus Victor, He is now seated at the right hand of God ruling with a strong sceptre in His hand as the head of the ekklesia).
So, who are these cabal of Satan-worshipping globalists, and what are their evil agenda, that can prevail over the ekklesia and thwart the purposes of God? God laughs at them, Jesus the Anointed One scoffs at their vain things, and the ekklesia subjects them under its feet.
Therefore, let us not major on the minor “Deep State” and their Great Reset agenda, but major on the major reset agenda of God for His church, always fixing our eyes on the author and perfecter of our faith to enable us to accomplish His purpose in and through His ekklesia; “for we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand so that we would walk in them.” (Ephesians 2:10)
There are many posts here that you may read pertaining to the ekklesia, but I do suggest reading Defining Apostle, Apostolic Fathering, and Apostolic Church to understand the hallmarks of an apostolic church.
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