Ekklesia Channel is on its way! Together with Ekklesia Zoom, the Finishing School For SAINT and other ministries of Ekklesia Renaissant will now deliver hybrid classrooms for blended learning, discipleship, and mentoring from Singapore to missional communities worldwide.
Ekklesia Renaissant, or simply Ekklesia, is an apostolic ministry with a mission to teach truths of the Spirit for personal and corporate growth; equip saints for missional impact in their fields; make disciples to conform to the image of Christ; and mentor strategic teams to lead people movements in communities; so that the Word of the Lord will grow mightily and prevail in Asia and beyond, unto the summing up of all things in Christ.
Truly, through technology, all the families and nations of the earth shall be blessed in Ekklesia and through Ekklesia.
Stay tuned…
Image credit: http://www.staloysiusla.org