Ekklesia Renaissant is graced by God to function as an apostolic mission partner to churches, para-church ministries, mission fellowships, and philanthropic foundations in the fulfilment of the gospel of the Kingdom in the nations.
Ekklesia Renaissant takes an end-to-end regenerative approach to birthing, sustaining, and multiplying the lifecycles of a church. This total regenerative approach is embodied and expressed in our Holistic Mission Spectrum (HMS) as follows:
- Theological Education
- Church Masterbuilding
- Mission Empowerment
- Socioeconomic Development
- Community Transformation
- National Permeation
On the basis of covenant partnerships and honourable alliances, Ekklesia Renaissant provides consultancy, leadership, management, equipping, resourcing, and administration services to enable churches, para-church ministries, NGOs/NPOs, missional fellowships, and philanthropic foundations to fulfil their commission in any or all of the six core areas of the Holistic Mission Spectrum.
You may go to “Holistic Mission Spectrum – An Overview” to read more about the basis and implementation of the Holistic Mission Spectrum in the nations.
You may go to “About Ekklesia Renaissant” to find out more about Ekklesia Renaissant’s guiding vision, identity, philosophy, mission, and core values.
You may also contact us to arrange for an appointment to meet and explore possibilities together.
Wisdom to Build | Power to Transform | Grace to Govern | Authority to Consummate